Why Mexico is Poised for Growth: Exploring Nearshoring, Digital Nomads, and Economic Growth

Discover why Mexico is the perfect destination for growth, as we explore the benefits of nearshoring, the rise of digital nomads, and the country's promising economic growth.

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Mexico has made remarkable strides in recent years in attracting foreign investment and emerging as a global hub for trade and technology. With its strategic location, well-educated workforce, and favorable business environment, Mexico is poised for growth in the near future. In this article, we will explore the economic landscape of Mexico, the nearshoring phenomenon, the rise of digital nomads in the country, and the potential challenges and opportunities for its continued economic growth.

Understanding Mexico's Economic Landscape

Mexico has been experiencing steady economic growth over the past decade, with a GDP of $2.492 trillion in 2022. The country has a well-diversified economy, with major industries including manufacturing, services, and agriculture. Mexico's manufacturing sector has been a significant contributor to its economic growth, with the country becoming a top exporter of goods such as automobiles, electronics, and fruits and vegetables. Mexico's services industry, which includes financial services, telecommunications, and tourism, has also been growing steadily in recent years. The country's agricultural sector, which produces crops such as corn, beans, and avocados, has been a crucial part of Mexico's economy for centuries.

Mexico became a member of the U.S.Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA), a trade agreement between the named parties that entered into force on July 1, 2020., which contributed to its status as a top exporter of goods. USMCA, which also includes the United States and Canada, eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers between the three countries, making it easier for businesses to trade across borders. Mexico has also signed free trade agreements with over 40 countries around the world, including the European Union and Japan, further expanding its trade opportunities.

Additionally, Mexico has undergone significant structural reforms in recent years that have improved its business environment, making it more attractive to foreign investors. The country has implemented reforms in areas such as telecommunications, energy, and education, which have helped to modernize the economy and create new business opportunities.


Mexico reserves certain sectors, in whole or in part, for the State, including:  petroleum and other hydrocarbons; control of the national electric system, radioactive materials, telegraphic and postal services; nuclear energy generation; coinage and printing of money; and control, supervision, and surveillance of ports of entry.  Certain professional and technical services, development banks, and the land transportation of passengers, tourists, and cargo (not including courier and parcel services) are reserved entirely for Mexican nationals.

Key Economic Indicators

The Mexican economy grew by 3.1% in 2022, after a bounce back of 4.7% in 2021, and a 8.0% fall in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The economy has recovered its employment and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) pre-pandemic levels.

The Mexican economy averaged 2.1 percent GDP growth from 1994 to 2021, contracted 8.3 percent in 2020 — its largest ever annual decline — and rebounded 5 percent in 2021.  Exports surpassed pre-pandemic levels by five percent thanks to the reopening of the economy and employment recovery.

The Role of Government Policies

The Mexican government has implemented various policies to promote foreign investment and economic growth in the country. These policies include tax incentives for businesses, infrastructure investment, and free trade agreements with countries around the world. The government has also prioritized education and workforce development to ensure a well-trained and skilled labor force to maintain its competitive edge in the global marketplace. The country's education system has undergone significant reforms in recent years, with a focus on improving the quality of education and increasing access to education for all students.

The Mexican government has also implemented policies to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the country. The government has created technology clusters in cities like Guadalajara and Mexico City, which provide resources and support for technology startups. The government has also established programs to provide funding and mentorship for entrepreneurs, helping to create a thriving startup ecosystem in the country.

Foreign Investment in Mexico

Mexico has been successful in attracting foreign investment, particularly in the manufacturing and technology sectors. The country's central location and favorable business environment make it an attractive location for businesses looking to establish manufacturing facilities near the United States. Mexico's proximity to the United States also makes it an attractive location for businesses looking to access the North American market.

In recent years, Mexico has been increasing its efforts to attract technology companies. The country has a growing pool of talented tech workers, and the government has implemented policies to support the growth of the technology industry. Mexico's technology clusters provide resources and support for startups, and the government has established programs to provide funding and mentorship for entrepreneurs in the technology sector.

Mexico is open to foreign direct investment (FDI) in most economic sectors and has consistently been one of the largest emerging market recipients of FDI.  Mexico’s proximity to the United States and preferential access to the U.S. market, macroeconomic stability, large domestic market, growing consumer base, increasingly skilled workers, and lower labor costs combine to attract foreign investors.  The COVID-19 economic crisis showed how linked North American supply chains are and highlighted new opportunities for partnership and investment.  Still, recent policy and regulatory changes have created doubts about the investment climate, particularly in the energy, agriculture, and the formal employment pensions management sectors.

The United States has been the largest source of FDI in Mexico, with 34 percent of the stock as of 2020 (IMF).  According to Mexico’s Secretariat of Economy, total FDI flows for 2021 were USD 31.6 billion, a 13.2 percent increase compared to 2020 (USD 27.9 billion).  The automotive, aerospace, telecommunications, financial services, and electronics sectors typically receive large amounts of FDI.

In conclusion, Mexico's well-diversified economy, favorable business environment, and strategic location make it an attractive location for foreign investors. The country's stable economic growth, ongoing reforms, and commitment to education and workforce development ensure that it will continue to be a major player in the global marketplace.

The Nearshoring Phenomenon

Nearshoring is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years, especially in the business world. It refers to the practice of outsourcing business processes or services to a nearby country rather than to a distant location. Nearshoring has become an attractive option for many businesses due to the significant cost savings it offers while maintaining similar time zones and cultural compatibility.

What is Nearshoring?

Nearshoring is a business strategy that involves outsourcing business processes or services to a nearby country. The main objective of nearshoring is to reduce costs while maintaining the quality of the services provided. Nearshoring is different from offshoring, which involves outsourcing to a distant location, usually overseas.

Nearshoring has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the manufacturing, warehousing, and software development sectors. Many businesses are turning to nearshoring as a way to reduce costs and improve efficiency without sacrificing quality.

Benefits of Nearshoring for Businesses

Nearshoring offers several benefits to businesses. One of the main advantages of nearshoring is lower labor costs. By outsourcing to a nearby country, businesses can take advantage of lower labor costs while maintaining similar time zones and cultural compatibility.

In addition to lower labor costs, nearshoring also offers reduced shipping and logistics expenses. By outsourcing to a nearby country, businesses can avoid the high costs associated with shipping products or materials overseas.

Another benefit of nearshoring is improved communication and collaboration between teams. When outsourcing to a nearby country, businesses can take advantage of similar time zones, making it easier to communicate and collaborate with their teams.

Mexico's Competitive Advantages in Nearshoring

Mexico has become an attractive location for nearshoring due to its strategic location, well-developed infrastructure, and favorable business environment. Mexico is located close to the United States, making it an ideal location for businesses looking to outsource to a nearby country.

In addition to its strategic location, Mexico also boasts a well-educated workforce with language skills and cultural compatibility with the United States. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses in the region looking to outsource their operations.

Success Stories of Nearshoring in Mexico

Several companies have already experienced success by nearshoring to Mexico. For example, Honeywell established a manufacturing facility in Mexico to produce turbochargers for automobiles. The move has resulted in significant cost savings and improved efficiency for the company.

Another success story is that of General Electric (GE), which has been nearshoring to Mexico for several years. GE has several manufacturing facilities in Mexico, producing a range of products, including appliances, lighting, and healthcare equipment. By nearshoring to Mexico, GE has been able to take advantage of the country's lower labor costs and favorable business environment.

In conclusion, nearshoring has become an attractive option for businesses looking to reduce costs and improve efficiency without sacrificing quality. Mexico, in particular, has become an ideal location for nearshoring due to its strategic location, well-educated workforce, and favorable business environment.

The Rise of Digital Nomads in Mexico

Who are Digital Nomads?

Digital nomads are professionals who work remotely, often traveling to different locations while completing their work. Many digital nomads work in technology or creative industries and value the freedom and flexibility that comes with their lifestyle.

Why Mexico is Attracting Digital Nomads

Mexico's low cost of living, desirable climate, and welcoming culture have made it a popular destination for digital nomads. In addition, many cities in Mexico offer modern and affordable coworking spaces and reliable internet access, making it easy for digital nomads to work and connect with other professionals.

Popular Destinations for Digital Nomads in Mexico

Some popular destinations for digital nomads in Mexico include Mexico City, Playa del Carmen, and Puerto Vallarta. These cities offer a vibrant cultural scene, affordable living costs, and plenty of amenities for remote workers.

The Impact of Digital Nomads on Local Economies

Digital nomads can have a positive impact on local economies, as their spending contributes to the local tourism industry and the growth of small businesses. Additionally, digital nomads often bring skills and ideas from their home countries, which can help to spur innovation and growth in local industries.

The Future of Economic Growth in Mexico

Emerging Industries and Opportunities

Mexico is expected to see continued growth in the manufacturing and technology sectors, as well as emerging opportunities in renewable energy and tourism. The country has set ambitious goals to increase renewable energy production and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, which could provide opportunities for foreign investors and domestic businesses alike.

Challenges and Potential Risks

Despite its promising economic outlook, Mexico still faces challenges that could impact its future growth. One of the biggest challenges is inequality, which can hinder development and threaten political stability. In addition, corruption remains a concern, and the country has struggled with high levels of crime and violence.

Mexico's Role in the Global Economy

Mexico's strategic location and favorable business environment make it an important player in the global economy. As the world becomes more interconnected and businesses seek to expand into new markets, Mexico is well-positioned to become an even more important hub for trade and technology.


Mexico is poised for growth in the near future, thanks to its favorable economic landscape, nearshoring opportunities, and growing digital nomad community. While the country still faces challenges and risks, its strategic location and competitive advantages make it an attractive destination for businesses and investors looking to establish a foothold in the region. As Mexico continues to develop and grow, it has the potential to become an even more important player in the global economy.

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